Turkey Hunting at Platte Creek Lodge
Here at Platte Creek Lodge, I have come to find out how much people love to hunt the Merriam Turkey hunting in South Dakota. We never knew until the phone started ringing just how many of you love and have a passion for Merriam Turkey. I also found out that we live in turkey country.
At this point in time we are not offering any turkey hunts.

Charles Mix / Gregory County
Both Charles Mix and Gregory counties along with Brule county have some of the finest and most abundant Merriam turkeys in South Dakota. So after talking to the local farmers I have lined up some great land that will allow you to come and enjoy what Platte and Platte Creek Lodge can offer you. Also for those of you that didn’t draw, we have acquired land in Nebraska, along the Niabraira River, to hunt turkey, both whitetail and mule deer, and possibly waterfowl. All of which we can buy tags over the counter or on the internet. So give Platte Creek Lodge a call to line up your next turkey event.